Pro-Life Wisconsin marching for life
This January, Pro-Life Wisconsin marks the loss of more than 58 million lives on the anniversary of the tragic Roe v. Wade decision.
These children were not just statistics. They had a beauty and a purpose that only God could see. They were innocent and wholly lovable, yet they were killed because their lives were not valued.
Pro-Life Wisconsin prays that all human lives will soon be protected under the law, regardless of age, size, location, manner of conception or dependency.
To honor those 58 million lives lost to abortion, Pro-Life Wisconsin will join pro-lifers from around the country at two Marches for Life.
We’ll be at the March for Life Chicago, Sunday, Jan. 15. Pro-Life Wisconsin has sponsored seven buses to bring marchers from around the state to Chicago.
Later in the month, we’ll be at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. This year, due to the inauguration, the March for Life is held on Friday, Jan. 27. Pro-Life Wisconsin is bringing two buses full of supporters to this march.
When the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that mothers are allowed to kill their preborn children, they legalized discrimination. That’s what abortion is – an extreme act of discrimination because someone is dependent on another. We know that all children, regardless of their age, are dependent on their parents in some form.
Yet for no other reason do we allow parents to harm their children.
Because of the Roe decision, Pro-Life Wisconsin exists. We’ll be here until it’s reversed, and until every life is valued. We will fight until legal personhood encompasses all human beings.
Jan. 22 is an annual reminder to continue to spread the truth. Humans beings are persons from conception, and all deserve dignity, respect and full protection under the law.
Contact: Pro-Life Wisconsin communications director
Office: (262) 796-1111, ext. 12
Email: [email protected]