Are you hurting from a past abortion and looking for help? Do you know someone who had an abortion? Are you looking for ways to understand what your friend is going through after an abortion?
We can help.
We live in a post-abortive world. Women, men, families, grandparents, relatives, friends, classmates, neighbors, co-workers, nurses, doctors – each of us is affected by abortion. There is healing to be found, even in our broken world. Please consider sharing these resources to better connect those in need of healing to hope beyond their abortion.
A Path to Hope by John J Dillon
A Solitary Sorrow: Finding Healing & Wholeness After Abortion by Dr. Paul and Teri Reisser
Does Anyone Else Feel Like I Do? And Other Questions Women Ask Following an Abortion Paperback by Pam Koerbel
Experiencing God’s Forgiveness by John Ensor
Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion, by Dr. Theresa Burke
God’s Mercy Awaits You: Find Healing after Abortion by Patricia Marie Barnette RGS
Helping Women Recover from Abortion by Nancy Michels
Her Choice to Heal by Sydna Masse and Joan Phillips
Legacy Lost: Healing Abortion’s Heartache in Grandparents by Sydna Masse and Karen Fifer
Redeeming a Father’s Heart by Kevin Burke LSW, David Wemhoff & Marvin Stockwell
Sharing the Heart of Christ by Kevin Burke
Tears of the Fisherman: Recovery for Men Wounded by Abortion by Kevin Burke LSW
The Jericho Plan: Breaking Down the Walls Which Prevent Post-Abortion Healing by David C. Reardon
Post-Abortion Bible Study | Ramah International Abortion Recovery
How to Talk to a Friend Who’s Had An Abortion | Hope After Abortion
Rachel’s Vineyard Hotline: 877-HOPE-4-ME (877-467-3463)
National Hotline for Abortion Recovery: 866-482-5433