Know The Facts
In the minds of many pro-lifers, abortion and contraception are entirely separate issues. Yet, without the notion of "unwanted" children that the contraceptive mentality fosters, there would be no abortion. In fact, many forms of hormonal birth control can be abortifacient (cause early chemical abortions) by obstructing the implantation of the newly formed human embryo in his or her mother's womb.
After more than thirty years of killing through surgical abortion, and now with the new breed of chemical abortifacients such as Plan B, the Ortho Evra Patch, and Depo-Provera, the link between abortion and contraception is undeniable. Dr. William Newton describes the contraceptive mentality in this way:
“The most fundamental reason why contraception fosters abortion is that contraception changes the meaning of sex, and not just in this or that act of sexual intercourse, but in the consciousness of whole cultures […] The key point is that contraception uncouples (in the mind of the individual who accepts it as normal behavior) the relationship of sexual intercourse to babies and to life-long commitment: in a word, it trivializes sex. Trivial sex, in turn, leads inevitably to unwanted pregnancies, which inexorably leads to abortion."
("Contraception and abortion: Fruits of the same rotten tree?" [The Linacre quarterly, 82(2), 135–148, May, 2015, accessed 11 Feb, 2025])
Pro-Life Wisconsin is opposed to all forms of artificial contraception. We support only natural methods of spacing the births of children. The contraceptive mentality views pregnancy as a "disease" state against which women must be "protected" at all costs - even at the cost of their own health and the lives of their unborn babies. Abortion simply becomes backup contraception. The Unites States Supreme Court went so far as to enshrine the contraceptive mentality in law in its landmark Planned Parenthood vs. Casey decision in 1992.
Please educate yourself about the deadly connection between contraception and abortion and spread this truth with love and patience.