Abortion is an act of direct killing that takes the life of a tiny human being - a life that begins at conception/fertilization.
All preborn babies are "persons," and all innocent people share the inalienable right to life. It's the benchmark to evaluate any legislative strategy to protect preborn children.
medical decision making
It's a myth that pro-lifers are only concerned about embryos and fetuses. Increasingly, the elderly, frail and handicapped are finding themselves declared "unwanted" or "burdens," just like the preborn.
In the minds of many pro-lifers, abortion and contraception are entirely separate issues. But without the notion of "unwanted" children that the contraceptive mentality fosters, there would be no abortion.
Forget harmful chemicals. Space children the natural way!
cord blood
Blood from your babies umbilical cord can be used for life-saving treatments!
Medical advances should never come at the expense of human dignity.