Important 2025 Spring Election Dates & Deadlines
Here at Pro-Life Wisconsin, we know that it is our privilege and duty to be a voice for the voiceless at the polls! Be sure to exercise your right to vote absentee by mail, early in-person, or in-person on Election Day.
See below for helpful dates and deadlines ahead of the 2025 general election on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
Voter Registration Deadlines
Deadline to register to vote by MAIL or ONLINE: tuesday March 12th
By mail instructions:
Send in your voter registration form postmarked by 3/12/2025 to your municipal clerk along with proof of residence.
Materials Needed:
Voter Registration Application Form
Proof of Residence (Examples)
Municipal Clerk Lookup
ONlINE instructions:
Voters who are able to match their name, date of birth, Wisconsin Driver License or State ID number, and address with the Wisconsin DMV can register to vote online at MyVote.WI.Gov.
Materials Needed:
Valid WI Driver’s License or ID (with valid current address on file with the DMV)
Deadline to register to vote IN-PERSON at your Municipal Clerk’s Office:
5PM Friday MARCH 28th
Voters may register in-person in their municipal clerk’s office during the clerk’s business hours. Be sure to bring a Photo ID AND Proof of Residence (examples below).
Municipal Clerk Lookup
Voter Registration Application Form (print out or ask for one at the clerk’s office)
Photo ID Examples
Proof of Residence Examples (All Proof of Residence documents must include the voter’s name and current residential address)
Deadline to register to vote IN-PERSON at your polling place ON ELECTION DAY:
8PM tuesday April 1st
Voters may register in-person at their polling place ON ELECTION DAY (7AM-8PM on Tuesday, April 1, 2025). Be sure to bring a Photo ID AND Proof of Residence (examples below).
Find My Polling Place
Voter Registration Application Form (print out or ask for one at your polling place)
Photo ID Examples
Proof of Residence Examples (All Proof of Residence documents must include the voter’s name and current residential address)
Absentee Voting Deadlines
Click the plus sign(s) on the right to expand instructions for voting absentee.
If you are a regular or a Temporarily Overseas Voter, your absentee ballot request must be received by your municipal clerk no later than 5PM on Thursday, March 27, 2025.
DEADLINE to REQUEST your absentee ballot:
BY MAIL: If you are requesting your ballot by mail, your absentee ballot request form must arrive at your municipal clerk's office BY 5PM on the deadline (Thursday, March 27, 2025).
IN-PERSON: Submit your absentee ballot request form to the municipal clerk's office BY 5PM on the deadline (Thursday, March 27, 2025).
ONLINE: Fill out the online form at BY 5PM on the deadline (Thursday, March 27, 2025).
DEADLINE to RETURN your absentee ballot:
BY MAIL: If you are casting your vote by mailing an absentee ballot, your absentee ballot must arrive at your municipal clerk's office BY 8PM on Election Day (Tuesday, April 1, 2025).
IN-PERSON: Bring your completed absentee ballot to your MUNICIPAL CLERK’S OFFICE BY 8PM on Election Day (Tuesday, April 1, 2025). Find your municipal clerk’s info HERE.
If you are an indefinitely confined voter, your absentee ballot request must be received by your municipal clerk no later than 5PM on Friday, March 28, 2025.
DEADLINE to REQUEST your absentee ballot:
BY MAIL: If you are requesting your ballot by mail, your absentee ballot request form must arrive at your municipal clerk's office BY 5PM on the deadline (Friday, March 28, 2025).
IN-PERSON: Submit your absentee ballot request form to the municipal clerk's office BY 5PM on the deadline (Friday, March 28, 2025).
ONLINE: Fill out the online form at BY 5PM on the deadline (Friday, March 28, 2025).
DEADLINE to RETURN your absentee ballot:
BY MAIL: If you are casting your vote by mailing an absentee ballot, your absentee ballot must arrive at your municipal clerk's office BY 8PM on Election Day (Tuesday, April 1, 2025).
IN-PERSON: Bring your completed absentee ballot to your MUNICIPAL CLERK’S OFFICE BY 8PM on Election Day (Tuesday, April 1, 2025). Find your municipal clerk’s info HERE.
IN-PERSON (Absentee) Early Voting DATES
Early Voting Dates: tuesday, March 18, 2025 possible through *Sunday, March 30, 2025
Contact your municipal clerk or check to learn about early in-person voting opportunities at your municipal clerk’s office. You will need to request a(n absentee) ballot at your municipal clerk’s office in order to participate in early voting if offered; your clerk will have (absentee) ballots at their office available during scheduled early voting hours. You can then vote right there (in real-time) and hand in your (absentee) ballot to the clerk.
*Early voting may not be offered in your municipality, and where offered, not all dates above may be offered in all municipalities. Strongly consider completing early voting by Friday, March 28 where offered.
Polling Place Locations/Hours: Polls will be open 7AM-8PM in all municipalities across Wisconsin. Find your polling place HERE or Contact your municipal clerk.
YOU CAN REGISTER ON ELECTION DAY AT YOUR POLLING PLACE! You will need both a photo ID and proof of residence in order to register.
Photo ID Examples
Proof of Residence Examples (All Proof of Residence documents must include the voter’s name and current residential address)
HAVE AN ABSENTEE BALLOT that you have not returned?
Bring your completed absentee ballot to your MUNICIPAL CLERK’s OFFICE BY 8PM on Election Day (8PM April 1, 2025).
Find your municipal clerk’s location HERE.