For Immediate Release: September 26, 2023
(Madison) – On Monday, September 18, 2023, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin resumed the provision of “abortion services” at its facilities in Madison and Milwaukee, even though a state law banning abortion is currently in effect. The district attorneys of Milwaukee and Dane counties, John Chisholm and Ismael Ozanne, respectively, are not enforcing Wisconsin Statute 940.04, which bans abortion with an exception for the life of the mother.
“Abortion is not legal in Wisconsin, but Planned Parenthood has decided to break the law and they are getting away with it,” said Dan Miller, Pro-Life Wisconsin State Director. “How can this be? Their pro-abortion friends, district attorneys Chisholm and Ozanne, are refusing to enforce Wisconsin’s statutory abortion ban and as a result babies are being dismembered in their mothers’ wombs. The DAs have the power to stop it, but neither of them has lifted a finger for the babies. They have no respect for the law and are completely apathetic to, if not supportive of, the killing of preborn children in their jurisdictions. These two prosecutors took an oath of office to uphold the law without prejudice, and we encourage the people of Milwaukee and Dane counties to contact them and demand they do so,” said Miller.
Although Wisconsin’s abortion ban has been challenged in state court by Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul, the Dane County Circuit Court has not issued a final ruling that state statute 940.04 is unenforceable and has not placed an injunction on it. Furthermore, the law has not been repealed or modified by the state legislature. Therefore, the law remains in effect.
“Without question Planned Parenthood is breaking the law, and, grotesquely, they are doing it in the name of ‘women’s health care,’” said Matt Sande, Pro-Life Wisconsin Legislative Director. “Abortion is decidedly not health care, neither for the baby nor her mother. It is the direct, intentional killing of a living preborn human being that scars his or her mom physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually.”
“Pro-Life Wisconsin will fight for the enforcement of our state abortion ban,” said Miller. “And we will continue to sidewalk counsel and pray in front of the Planned Parenthood killing centers on Madison’s Orin Road and Milwaukee’s Water Street. We know that when there are people praying in front of abortion centers, moms and dads choose life.”
Matt Sande, Legislative Director
P: 262.352.0890