Choose Life Wisconsin has granted out $65,442 to over 40 Pregnancy Resource Centers throughout Wisconsin since we began offering the plates to Wisconsin motorists on October 23, 2017.
Does Abortion Empower Women?
One of the most common arguments we hear—especially from feminists—in support of abortion is that it empowers women. Abortion is argued to be a good thing for women, and some might go so far as to say it is necessary for women to keep their current status in society because it empowers women to live the lives they want.
Should Preborn Children Be Counted in the U.S. Census?
On the 54th Anniversary of Griswold v. Connecticut
On Friday, June 7th and Saturday, June 8th pro-lifers throughout Wisconsin will gather on sidewalks to pray and peacefully raise awareness on the dangers of the birth control pill. Fifty-four years ago, the Griswold v. Connecticut U.S. Supreme Court ruling (June 7, 1965) legalized contraception and established “privacy rights” that paved the way for the Roe v Wade ruling a few years later.The purpose of our campaign is to draw attention to the dangers of the birth control pill and the fact that it does indeed cause early chemical abortions.
My Pro-Life "Why"
MicKenzie's Story
Moving to Amend the Born Alive Protection Act
3 Reasons Why I Was Hesitant To See Unplanned
Amending The Born Alive Protection Act
Yet Another Reason to Pass the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment
Will advances in this type of editing bring about inequities because only the rich will be able to afford it? Will this be a cancer cure for all, or for only the wealthy? Will this bring about the onset of creating perfect “designer babies?” It’s a brave new world, but we need to be a part of this discussion!