Each and every abortion is a violent lethal attack on an innocent human being. Abortion is an act of direct killing that takes the life of a child in the womb whose life began at fertilization.
D&E Method: A dilation and evacuation abortion is a surgical abortion procedure during which an abortionist first dilates the woman’s cervix and then uses instruments to dismember and extract the baby from the uterus.
D& C Method: A suction, or aspiration abortion is a procedure in which a suction catheter is inserted into the mother’s uterus to extract the preborn baby. Tools are then used to scrape the lining of the uterus to remove any remaining parts of the child.
Pill Method: A chemical abortion is a non-surgical form of abortion in which the woman takes pills containing Mifepristone (RU-486) and Misoprostol (or Cytotec) to end the life of the baby by blocking progesterone which therefore cuts off blood and nutrition supply to the child.
Induction Method: A third trimester induction abortion is performed on a baby that is almost fully-developed and is considered viable, meaning he or she could survive outside the womb. For this reason, the abortionist will inject a lethal dose of digoxin that causes cardiac arrest, and induces the mother’s labor to deliver her baby stillborn.
Every 96 seconds in America, a child becomes victim to one of these abhorrent abortion tactics.
The time is NOW to speak up and defend the most vulnerable. Will you?
An estimated 862,320 children were aborted in 2017 alone.
Approximately 71,860 abortions are performed each month in the United States.
Approximately 16,583 abortions are performed each week in the United States.
Approximately 2,362 abortions are performed each day in the United States.
18% of pregnancies in the United States ended in abortion in 2017.
Approximately 336,304 children were aborted through the pill method (medication abortions) in 2017, accounting for 39% of abortions in 2017.
According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 6,224 children were aborted in Wisconsin in the 2017 reporting year. (Read Pro-Life Wisconsin’s press release regarding the increase in abortions, here.)
Approximately 518 abortions are performed each month in Wisconsin.
Approximately 119 abortions are performed each week in Wisconsin.
Approximately 17 abortions are performed each day in Wisconsin.
NATIONAL DEMOGRAPHICS: Based on the 2014 abortion rate: 652,639/year
Approximately 58% of women who obtained an abortion were in their 20’s.
Approximately 21% of women who obtained an abortion were aged 20-24.
Approximately 18% of women who obtained an abortion were aged 25-29.
Approximately 3% of women who obtained an abortion were age 40 or older.
Approximately 0.3% of girls who obtained an abortion were younger than 15.
Approximately 38% of abortions were performed on white women.
Meaning approximately 248,003 white babies were aborted in the year 2014.
Meaning approximately 20,667 white babies were aborted each month.
Meaning approximately 4,769 white babies were aborted each week.
Meaning approximately 679 white babies were aborted each day.
Approximately 36% of abortions were performed on black women.
Meaning approximately 234,950 black babies were aborted in the year 2014.
Meaning approximately 19,579 black babies were aborted each month.
Meaning approximately 4,518 black babies were aborted each week.
Meaning approximately 644 black babies were aborted each day.
Approximately 18% of abortions were performed on Hispanic women.
Meaning approximately 117,475 Hispanic babies were aborted in the year 2014.
Meaning approximately 9,790 Hispanic babies were aborted each month.
Meaning approximately 2,259 Hispanic babies were aborted each week.
Meaning approximately 322 Hispanic babies were aborted each day.
Approximately 7% of abortions were performed on women who indicated other race.
38% of abortions were performed on women of no reported religious affiliation.
24% of abortions were performed on Catholic women.
17% of abortions were performed on mainline Protestant women.
13% of abortions were performed on evangelical Protestant women.
8% of abortions were performed on women who indicated other affiliation.
51% of women who obtained an abortion in 2014 were using a contraceptive method in the month they became pregnant.
Live Action, Abortion Procedures: What You Need to Know.
Guttmacher Institute, Induced Abortion in the United States. September 2019: Fact Sheet.
Wisconsin Department of Public Health Services, Division of Public Health, Office of Health Informatics, Reported Induced Abortions in Wisconsin, 2018.
Jatlaoui TC, Eckhaus L, Mandel MG, et al. Abortion Surveillance — United States 2016.
Jones RK et al., Abortion Incidence and Service Availability in the United States, 2017, Guttmacher Institute.
Jerman J, Jones RK and Onda T, Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients in 2014 and Changes Since 2008, Guttmacher Institute.