What does it mean to be 100 percent pro-life?

Pro-life means protecting each human at all stages of development and in all circumstances, including those whom it is not politically correct to protect. For example: the child conceived in rape; the child with a mother whose life is perceived to be in danger; the disabled preborn baby; the tiny embryo vulnerable to experimental research; or the terminally ill who are viewed as burdens on society.

Life begins at conception, so there may never be legal exceptions to a person’s inalienable right to life. Pro-Life Wisconsin has always voiced a stance of total protection for all children, born or preborn. Because we insist on this standard, more and more candidates for elected office are 100 percent pro-life. We stand behind those candidates who stand behind 100 percent of the babies.

We lovingly, but firmly, challenge and educate those candidates who don’t believe every child has a right to live. And we pray that our principled stand will change hearts and minds, within and out of the state legislature, so someday Wisconsin’s preborn children will be protected in law as persons. 

the Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund PAC has not endorsed any candidates at this time.

please refer to our elections page for the most up-to-date information.