January 22, 2020 marks the 47th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions that legalized abortion in the United States. To prepare for the local, state, and national events that will commemorate these decisions, Manitowoc Prayerful Walkers is bringing Dan Miller, State Director of ProLife Wisconsin to present SIDEWALK COUNSELOR TRAINING 101 on Saturday, January 4, 2020, 11:30am - 2:30pm at Manitowoc Public Library, 707 Quay St., Manitowoc, in the Balkansky Community Room A.
Sidewalk Counseling 101 prepares participants to stand up for the most vulnerable in our society by speaking directly to mothers and fathers outside of abortion facilities. The training will help sidewalk counselors develop the skills to encourage parents to choose life for their child by presenting alternatives to abortion and directing them to FREE help at pregnancy resource centers.
Dan Miller has been a sidewalk counselor for nearly ten years in Milwaukee. During his more than 5,000 hours on the sidewalks outside abortion facilities, Dan has witnessed more than 600 children saved from abortion.
Participants in the training session are encouraged to bring their own food and beverages; lunch will not be provided.
There is no cost to participate in this event.
For information contact Colleen at [email protected] or 920-860-5581.