Marquette University Promotes Planned Parenthood Via Twitter

Marquette University Promotes Planned Parenthood Via Twitter

By Anna DeMeuse, Pro-Life Wisconsin Communications Director

In a tweet Saturday evening (April 18, 2020), Marquette University, a private, Jesuit institution, was seen promoting Planned Parenthood and praising the abortion provider as a “health clinic.” Albeit subtle, the tweet clearly refers to Planned Parenthood in Milwaukee as the subjects of the photo wear scrubs and name tags marked with the Planned Parenthood logo.


After receiving much backlash via twitter, the tweet has rightfully been removed since Saturday, but no statement has been issued yet addressing the situation.

Abortion is not healthcare; it is an elective procedure that kills innocent preborn human beings, uses up scarce medical resources, and contributes to the spread of COVID-19.

“Adding insult to injury, while Wisconsinites were #StayingHome, Planned Parenthood continued to kill babies,” said Dan Miller, State Director of Pro-Life Wisconsin.


Call on Marquette University to cut all ties with America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, and issue a public apology for the scandal they have caused as a Catholic institution promoting abortion. 

In addition to signing the petition, please respectfully contact the Office of the President at Marquette University via phone at (414) 288-7223, via email at [email protected], or by mail at 1250 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53233.

Marquette University’s mission statement includes a “[commitment] to the unfettered pursuit of truth under the mutually illuminating powers of human intelligence and Christian faith.” And furthermore claims that “Catholic identity is expressed in our choices of curricula, our sponsorship of programs and activities devoted to the cultivation of our religious character, our ecumenical outlook, and our support of Catholic beliefs and values.”

The Catholic university’s promotion of Planned Parenthood glaringly contradicts the Catholic Church’s teaching on abortion: "Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law" (CCC No. 2271).


We, the undersigned, call on Marquette University to cut all ties with America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood and issue a public apology for the scandal they have caused as a Catholic institution promoting abortion.

Not only does this promotion directly contradict the teaching of the Catholic Church on the Gospel of Life, but it also contradicts Marquette University’s mission which states their commitment to the teachings of the Catholic Church and their “unfettered pursuit of truth.”

Abortion is not healthcare and should never be promoted as such; it is an elective procedure that kills innocent preborn human beings. Furthermore, Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, is certainly not a “health clinic.”

We call on you, Marquette University, to cut ties with Planned Parenthood and issue a public apology for the scandal you have caused.