The Assembly Committee on Health will hold a public hearing on Assembly Joint Resolution 130, known as the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment, this Thursday, February 13, at 9:01 a.m. in Room 412 East of the State Capitol. The legislation extends the inalienable right to life already found in the Wisconsin Constitution to all preborn children from the beginning of their lives.
15 Ways to Make an Impact After the March for Life
State Assembly to Proclaim January 22nd as "Protect Life Day"
Support the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment
The pro-life movement is founded on the bedrock principle that all human beings, at all stages of their development, deserve equal protection under the law. To that end, State Representatives Joe Sanfelippo (R-New Berlin) and Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) and State Senator Andre Jacque (R-De Pere) have begun circulating for co-sponsorship the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment, legislation that extends the inalienable right to life already found in the Wisconsin Constitution to all preborn children from the beginning of their lives.
Packers Foundation Grant Has Unintended Racial Implications
Pro-Life Wisconsinites Bring the Christmas Message to Milwaukee's Abortion Facility
Over 20 pro-lifers gathered with Pro-Life Wisconsin on the sidewalks outside Affiliated Medical Services (AMS) on a cold Saturday morning around a large empty manger. The empty manger is symbolic of the 61 million empty cribs because of abortion but also an undeniable reminder of the personhood of the Christ Child and the anticipation of His coming.
Green Bay Packers Foundation Invests in Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Inc.
Your First Opportunity to Save Lives in 2020
Pro-Life Wisconsin Opposes AB 304 & SB 286
Christian School Includes Preborn in Ornament Submissions for the Wisconsin Capitol Christmas Tree
This year the Capitol Christmas Tree was dubbed the “Holiday Tree” by Governor Tony Evers, and on Friday, November 8, 2019 Evers announced that the theme of the tree would be “Celebrate Science.” Wisconsin students were asked to create themed ornaments for the tree and send them to the capitol to be displayed throughout the season. One local Christian school got creative. Bethlehem Lutheran School in Sheboygan, Wisconsin decided to send a clear message to the governor about the true meaning of the season and science no less.